params= new JRegistry(); $this->params->loadString($plugin->params, 'JSON'); $this->_cacheEnabled = $this->params->get('cache_enabled'); if ($this->_cacheEnabled === null) $this->_cacheEnabled == 1; $this->_autoflush = $this->params->get('autoFlush'); if ($this->_autoflush === null) $this->_autoflush = 1; $this->_autoflush3rdParty = $this->params->get('autoFlush-ThirdParty'); if ($this->_autoflush3rdParty === null) $this->_autoflush3rdParty = 1; $this->_autoflushClientSide = $this->params->get('autoFlush-ClientSide'); if ($this->_autoflushClientSide === null) $this->_autoflushClientSide = 0; } /** * Heartbeat cache checking function. Will also monitor $_GET for the jSGCache parameter * (pressing the purge cache button in admin) * * * @access public * @return null */ public function onAfterInitialise() { if (!$this->_cacheEnabled || $this->_isBlacklisted($this->_applicationPath)) { JResponse::setHeader('X-Cache-Enabled','False',true); return; } if ($this->_cacheEnabled) { JResponse::allowCache(true); JResponse::setHeader('X-Cache-Enabled','True',true); } //Init the application url $this->_applicationPath = str_replace(array('administrator/index.php','index.php'),'',str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); //Check for any admin action and proceed to flushMonitor and 3rd party plugins if ( isset($_POST['task']) || isset($_GET['task']) || isset($_GET['cart_virtuemart_product_id'])) { $this->_flushMonitor(); if ($this->_autoflush3rdParty) $this->_monitorThirdPartyPlugins(); } //Check if we have a logged in user and enable cache bypass cookie 'task' => string 'user.login' $user = JFactory::getUser(); if (!$user->guest || (isset($_POST['task']) && preg_match('/login/i', $_POST['task']))) { $_POST[JSession::getFormToken()] = 1; //Force the correct token, since the login box on the page is cached with the 1st visitors' token //Enable the cache bypass for logged users by setting a cache bypass cookie setcookie('jSGCacheBypass',1,time() + 6000,'/'); } if ($user->guest || (isset($_POST['task']) && $_POST['task'] == 'user.logout')) { //Remove the bypass cookie if not a logged user if (isset($_COOKIE['jSGCacheBypass'])) setcookie('jSGCacheBypass',0, time() - 3600,'/'); } // Handle purge button press when get has jSGCache=purge, but only in admin with a logged user if(isset($_GET['jSGCache']) && $_GET['jSGCache'] == 'purge' && JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin() && !$user->guest ) $this->_purgeCache(true); } /** * Admin panel icon display * * @access public * @param string $context * @return array */ public function onGetIcons( $context ) { return array(array( 'link'=>'?jSGCache=purge', 'image'=>'refresh', 'text'=>JText::_('Purge jSGCache'), 'id'=>'jSGCache' )); } /** * Calls the cache server to purge the cache * * @access public * @param string|bool $message Message to be displayed if purge is successful. If this param is false no output would be done * @return null */ private function _purgeCache( $message = true ) { $purgeRequest = $this->_applicationPath . '(.*)'; // Construct the PURGE request $hostname = str_replace( 'www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ); $purge_method = "PURGE"; $cacheServerSocket = fsockopen($hostname, 80, $errno, $errstr, 2); if(!$cacheServerSocket) { JError::raise(E_ERROR,500,JText::_('Connection to cache server failed!')); JError::raise(E_ERROR,500,JText::_($errstr ($errno))); return; } $request = "$purge_method {$purgeRequest} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"; if (preg_match('/^www\./',$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $domain_no_www = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $request2 = "$purge_method {$purgeRequest} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$domain_no_www}\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"; } else $request2 = "$purge_method {$purgeRequest} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: www.{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($cacheServerSocket, $request); $response = fgets($cacheServerSocket); fclose($cacheServerSocket); $cacheServerSocket = fsockopen($hostname, 80, $errno, $errstr, 2); fwrite($cacheServerSocket, $request2); fclose($cacheServerSocket); if($message !== false) { if(preg_match('/200/',$response)) { if ($message === true) JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('SG Cache Successfully Purged!')); else JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_( $message )); } else { JError::raise(E_NOTICE,501, JText::_('SG Cache: Purge was not successful!')); JError::raise(E_NOTICE,501, jText::_('Error: ' . $response)); } } } /** * Check if url is in caching blacklist * * @param string $applicationPath * * @return bool */ private function _isBlacklisted($applicationPath) { $blacklistArray = explode("\n",$this->params->get('blacklist')); $blacklistRegexArray = array(); $indexIsBlacklisted = false; foreach($blacklistArray as $key=>$row) { $row = trim($row); if ($row != '/' && $quoted = preg_quote($row,'/')) $blacklistRegexArray[$key] = $quoted; if ($row == '/') $indexIsBlacklisted = true; } if ($indexIsBlacklisted && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == $applicationPath) return true; if (empty($blacklistRegexArray)) return false; $blacklistRegex = '/('.implode('|',$blacklistRegexArray) . ')/i'; return preg_match($blacklistRegex, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } /** * 3rd party plugin monitor * * @access private * @return null */ private function _monitorThirdPartyPlugins() { // Kunena & K2 if ($this->params->get('autoFlush-ThirdParty') == 1 && isset($_POST['option']) && ($_POST['option']=='com_k2' || $_POST['option' ]== 'com_kunena')) { $this->_purgeCache(false); } // VirtueMart if ( (isset($_POST['option']) && $_POST['option'] == 'com_virtuemart') || ( isset($_GET['option']) && $_GET['option'] == 'com_virtuemart' ) || isset($_GET['cart_virtuemart_product_id']) ) { if($this->params->get('autoFlush-ThirdParty') == 1) $this->_purgeCache(false); } } /** * Action monitor * * @access private * @return null */ private function _flushMonitor() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ((!JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin() && !$this->_autoflushClientSide) || $user->guest) return; $autoflush = $this->params->get('autoFlush'); if ($autoflush === null) $autoflush = 1; if (isset($_POST['task']) && $_POST['task'] && !in_array($_POST['task'],self::$_ignoreTasks) && $autoflush == 1) $this->_purgeCache(false); } } Community Support Forums - Sellacious
  Friday, 15 March 2019
  9 Replies
  3.5K Visits
I changed the listings to free for sellers. When a seller submits a product and admin publishes it, it does not show up on the website.
5 years ago
Hello Vince,

Can you please explain more about this issue and steps?

Thank You
5 years ago
Not sure what more I can tell you apart from the details above.

"I changed the listings to free for sellers" Seller's do not need to pay to list their products

"When a seller submits a product " Seller logs in and add a product to their listing

"admin publishes it" Admin log into Sellacious backend and publishes the product (activates product)

"it does not show up on the website." The new product cannot be found on the website

Hello Vince,

Can you please explain more about this issue and steps?

Thank You
5 years ago
Hello Vince,

I have followed the above instruction and implemented on our installation, but I'm unable to recreate this issue. Can you take a backup of your site, so I can update sellacious again on your site and did you made any changes in seller's permissions?

Thank You
5 years ago
How do I backup the site? Do you mean backup the Template?

Hello Vince,

I have followed the above instruction and implemented on our installation, but I'm unable to recreate this issue. Can you take a backup of your site, so I can update sellacious again on your site and did you made any changes in seller's permissions?

Thank You
5 years ago
Hello Vince,

You can install Cloud backup or Akeeba backup to backup your site or make a zip of your site and export the database. Once done let me know.

5 years ago
back up is done. can you update sellacious
5 years ago
Hello Vince,

I have re-installed the sellacious on your site, and I also created a product from the seller's account which is visible now for admin to enable. Once admin enables the product, it's available on the frontend for the users.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
5 years ago
I don't have the option to enable the product in admin. see the attached.
5 years ago
Hello Vince,

As the products are in the free listing, you don't have to activate them from the manage listing view (The view you added the screenshot of). When a seller creates a product, you can activate it from the product catalog. Manage listing view only works when you activate paid listing or want to assign a special category.

I hope this will clear the confusion.

Thank You
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