  Monday, 10 April 2017
  5 Replies
  3.9K Visits
Hello guys!
When i try to install sellacious_quick, i get this errors: https://codeshare.io/a3yQkB
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
Another one Emoticon Happy

In the mini cart, the button "SHOW CART" is not working. https://i.imgur.com/UESYNVH.jpg

SOLUTION: you need to change the name of a file from showCart.js to showcart.js
The file is located in: your joomla root (www) instalation folder /media/mod_sellacious_cart/js/showCart.js

Please try downloading the quickstart package again. This bug has been resolved.
7 years ago
Good job guys, but i found another problem in this quick installation package.
It show zero ( 0 ) products in the mini cart as you can see in this image: https://i.imgur.com/Y5J4jfE.jpg
Hi Oxido,

Thanks for finding that out. We'll update our package with this fix.
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
Another one Emoticon Happy

In the mini cart, the button "SHOW CART" is not working. https://i.imgur.com/UESYNVH.jpg

SOLUTION: you need to change the name of a file from showCart.js to showcart.js
The file is located in: your joomla root (www) instalation folder /media/mod_sellacious_cart/js/showCart.js
Yes Oxido. All of these bugs are related to the single file.
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