  Wednesday, 23 January 2019
  4 Replies
  4.3K Visits
Hello, I'm trying install sellacious demo clone at cloudaccess.net but, after clear httpdos folder and extract the zip file, when I try login the site show
Data collection error. Please contact Support"

I tryied install by joomla extensions too and show the follow error:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Table 'nocccyjb.#__sellacious_order_items' doesn't exist
Extension Update: SQL error processing query: DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'nocccyjb.#__sellacious_order_items' doesn't exist
ALTER TABLE `#__sellacious_order_items`
ADD `seller_email` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `seller_name`,
ADD `reviewed` INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER `sub_total`,
ADD `reviewed_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `reviewed`;
Package Install: There was an error installing an extension: com_sellacious.zip"
6 years ago
Tks Vijaya,
now the site is work! The file delete message commented showed months ago when I installed sellacious first time. I don't know what happened now because I didn't started the installation mode as before. So, i'll take a picture if this error came back.

Tks a lot and congratulations for sellacious free initiative! It's a good opportunity to know better the platform and support service.
6 years ago
Hello Jean,

I have checked and installed sellacious on your server and didn't get any error you mentioned. Since in your server database, the host is different, I was instructed (By Joomla) to delete the file in the Installation folder. After that Sellacious back office and frontend are also working fine. Please confirm.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Hello Vijaya,
I sent you a private msg with the credentials to you check the site.

6 years ago
Hello Jean,

Can I know which version of sellacious and Joomla you used in both processes? Also please send me your site and Cpanel credentials through DM, So, we can have a thorough look.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
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