  Sunday, 23 April 2017
  2 Replies
  4.4K Visits
Hi, I just installed the marketplace, and I have a problem.
If I want to see the seller's front end page I get this message:

Unknown column 'fx.x_factor' in 'order clause' SQL=SELECT a.* FROM
( SELECT a.id, a.title, a.type, a.local_sku, a.manufacturer_sku, a.manufacturer_id, a.features, a.introtext,a.description,
a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.ordering, a.tags, a.params,a.variant_id, a.variant_title, a.variant_sku, a.variant_description,
a.variant_features,pp.price_id, pp.seller_uid, pp.qty_min, pp.qty_max, pp.is_fallback, pp.cost_price, pp.margin,pp.margin_type,
pp.list_price, pp.calculated_price, pp.ovr_price, pp.product_price, pp.price_display,pp.client_catid, pp.listing_type,
pp.item_condition,'1' AS flat_shipping, '20.00' AS shipping_flat_fee,pp.shipping_country, pp.shipping_state,
pp.shipping_district,pp.shipping_zip, pp.whats_in_box,pp.return_days, pp.return_tnc, pp.exchange_days, pp.exchange_tnc,
pp.seller_company, pp.seller_code,pp.seller_name, seller_username, pp.seller_email, pp.seller_mobile,pp.product_stock,
pp.product_over_stock, pp.stock_reserved, pp.stock_sold,'EUR' AS seller_currency,'1' AS forex_rate,IFNULL(vs.price_mod,
0) AS price_mod,IFNULL(vs.price_mod_perc, 0) AS .......

Thank you very much and good job

Please replace “fx.x_factor” with "forex_rate” on line number 163 in this file components/com_sellacious/models/store.php
Thank you very much. Emoticon Happy Emoticon Happy Emoticon Happy
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