  Friday, 01 March 2019
  4 Replies
  4.1K Visits
Hello, we have a problem with the user groups after registration.

we have 2 client groups
- guest (default)
- registered
Not logged in user should have guest status.
As soon as a user registers, it should automatically switch to the status registered ( as default in joomla ).
The error is that after a user has registered (and confirmed the confirmation email), the status does not automatically change to registered.

Background information:
We have to create a tax rule for unregistered users (guests).
Once a customer has registered, a tax rule must be used matching the customer's country.

Thanks for your support
5 years ago
Hello Nicholas,

We have created the patch for this, and we can update it on your site also. We have sent you the email also about this.

Please send an email or DM us the credentials for your server so, we can patch this feature in your site.

Thank You
5 years ago
Ok after no answerEmoticon Unhappy we write a own module which adds the user automatically to joomla user-group "registered" after registration. But now the Problem is, the user indeed in the joomla user group "registered" but in sellacious he is still in the group "guest". We were in the assumption, that the joomla user groups and the sellacious user groups are the same,respectively at least synchronised ?
Pleasehelp us with that.

Thanks and regards
5 years ago
we had send you the login data, but nothing happens?
Kindly provide the URL and test login credentials in DM where we can test the given scenario because in our staging it working fine.

Team sellacious
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