  Thursday, 25 April 2019
  3 Replies
  1.1K Visits
filter product by price or attribute not cleared after category changed
Hello Zimer,

Thank you for describing the issue which you have faced. We are running user tests on this. if the issue is verified we will get this fixed ASAP and include it in an upcoming patch.

Team sellacious
5 years ago
i think its a bug in the filter module when i changed the category the filter not cleared automatically,
axample in your demo go to menu / shop / laptops filter by brand dell , i find one product https://demo.sellacious.com/squick/index.php/product/dell-inspiron-core-i3-5th-gen-4-gb-1-tb-hdd-linux-z565155hin9-z565155uin9-3558-notebook-15-6-inch-black?s=513

now go to menu / shop / t-shirts oops no product in this category because the filter module not cleared automatically the t-shirts category filtred by brand dell

also if i filter by price and go to product detail the filter not cleared

thank you for your replay
5 years ago
Hello Zimer,

Amazon and other sites also work with these filter criteria. If I'm understanding wrong, kindly explain your point.

Thank You
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