  Tuesday, 18 June 2019
  12 Replies
  3.5K Visits
Compare, BUY NOW cannot be used and an error has occurred (Console)

Product details page, add shopping cart BUY NOW also does not work, and an error occurs (Console)

Product details page, variant add shopping cart, also not available!Error (Console)

They make the same mistake!

Check the site Details,

The appended drawings pictures :
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

Can I know which version of sellacious and browser you're using? I have checked this on the latest version of sellacious and on chrome and safari browser, but unable to recreate this error.

Kindly share your site details or enable the support mode from Sellacious Backend > Settings > Global Configuration > Support Mode.
5 years ago
hello Vijaya,

i use the Google Chrome,

I have filled in the website and user login account in the site form, please check.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

This error is because there isn't a msg container in this layout.


You need to create this row b/w Header and Component row.
5 years ago
hello Vijaya,

Where is the layout located?
5 years ago
hello Vijaya,

This container exists
5 years ago
thank you Vijaya,

This problem solved,

However, system pop-up products cannot be compared,

Why? What should I do
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

Can you share your site details or enable the support mode so I can take a look myself?
5 years ago

How can I send the website url test account to you,

Using email or something else?
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

You can send the test account details through DM.
5 years ago

Pay attention to see , Site Details。

I don't know what DM means!
5 years ago
Hello Chenbida,

I didn't get any site details from you. Can you email us your site details at contact@sellacious.com

Kindly mention this post in the email.

Thank you
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