  Sunday, 10 May 2020
  23 Replies
  5.4K Visits

After installing, set rules for building a marketplace and enter all categories, it seems Sellacious is not the best component to build a marketplace with all product universes.

Indeed, after filled in 5.000 categories (Agriculture, food, furniture, ...), now Sellacious slow down.

If Sellacious slow down, this is because for each category you have to set % commission and for loading and made some setting in seller profile page, the page is slowing down.

Another problem, I don't know why I can create a product in the first level category.

In my case to explain this, I have:

Agriculture---->Beans----->Broad Beans
Agriculture---->Beans----->Butter Beans
Agriculture---->Beans----->Cacao Beans

There is no need to create a product in Agriculture Category and Beans category. I only have to create a product in Broad Beans category, Butter Beans category and Cacao Beans category.

I think we have to get a setting when we create a new category and set if this category will be only use as container or not. If I set my new category as container, it will mean I could not create a product inside this category. Maybe this functionality could fix the slow down problem when there is a lot of categories.

Is it possible to set some limits category when a seller post a new product. For example, a new seller make a registration on my sellacious marketplace, set his interest to 1 or 2 or 3 categories because its own company selling greenhouses. This new user don't have need to post a product in food or bathroom, etc... Maybe this could also fix the slow down problem.

If I missing something about categories and settings could you give me some advices for working with all my categories perfectly.

If all works perfectly, I will subscribe to get B2B settings in addition for my needs.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I'm interested in this discussion! I've got the same problem.

I imported the google merchant structure (around 5600 categories translated into 2 languages) and everything crashed.

I can't even see the products anymore, the product list is in error timeout 504.

I assume that the category filters that are present in the product list generate an excessive load.

It could be avoided with a category filter not pre-loaded but in ajax.

Is it possible to fix these problems? A marketplace must have the ability to offer many categories to its sellers.

4 years ago
Hi DM,

I have got a private reply. This is a known issue but unfortunately there is no solution. Maybe in the future Emoticon Unhappy
4 years ago
Hi Sellaciouas Team,
I analyzed the reason for the slowness and I'm almost sure it depends on the drop-down menu that allows you to filter the products by category.

Today that drop-down menu is always populated with all the records in the categories table.

The solution could be that filter should be transformed into an auto-complete field.

The 2 marketplaces that I am developing with Sellacious have few categories, so I hadn't noticed the problem, but I have 2 other marketplaces in negotiation (with high probability of leaving), with many categories, so it is important for me that this problem is solved quickly.

Thank you
4 years ago
We are changing the UI of that commissions and changing it to load in the additional right drawer.

It is already in the top priority list.

Team sellacious
4 years ago
Thank you Abhishek!
4 years ago
Hi Abhishek,
I just became your premium user and I trusted you ...
when will the fix be ready?
I would need it urgently
4 years ago
Hello Abhishek,

After 1 months that I have reported it, do you have some news about it?

Thank you fr your reply
4 years ago
Hi Abhishek,
I guess you upgraded sellacious to more beta versions ...
is it possible to have more information on how to install these updates?
Thank you!
4 years ago

It could be very interesting and very important to get a reply, and particularly about the schedule to fix this big problem
4 years ago
Hello Abhishek,

After 2 months and a half that I have reported it, do you have some news about it?

A reply would be appreciate... Emoticon Unhappy

No answer means to me that you do not care and that you are not serious at all.
4 years ago
We are changing the UI of that commissions and changing it to load in the additional right drawer.

It is already in the top priority list.

Team sellacious


After 2 months and a half, where are you now about it?

Thank you to make a reply!!!!
4 years ago

I made a new post title, maybe a chance to get a reply? Emoticon Happy
4 years ago
Hey Tony,

Thanks for your Patience. We completed this feature. and its in our upcoming release. we added auto-complete, which will not load all thousands of categories at once, crashing the browser. Hope this helps. do get back to us if you need any further assistance.

4 years ago
Hey Abhishek,

Thank you for your reply and for your work about it.

Do you have any idea when the upcoming release will be available? In weeks or months?
By next weekend we will be releasing next beta. Which has this fixed.

4 years ago
By next weekend we will be releasing next beta. Which has this fixed.

Great Emoticon Happy

Thank you for your reply.
4 years ago
Hello All,

Sellacious latest version beta3 is released. Please download from here https://www.sellacious.com/download and update.

Thank You
4 years ago
thank you
4 years ago
In order to improve process for assign the categories to the products, needs to add some indexes on database:

ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`title`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`alias`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`parent_id`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`level`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`path`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`state`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`lft`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`rgt`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`mfr_id`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`type`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`is_default`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`compare`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`usergroups`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`ledgergroup`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`seller_commission`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`ledgergroup`);
ALTER TABLE `%_sellacious_categories` ADD INDEX(`commission`);

it is possible that someone is superfluous but better too many than few!
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