  Friday, 03 July 2020
  10 Replies
  3.6K Visits

I want to create a simple seller profile and wish 1) hide some options, specifically those at product information (SEO, Dimension,Inventory, Sellers) and some attributes such as SKU, Mfg, parent products..., 2) disable cart action until you fix the catalogue mode bug and 3) want to create a intuitive form to add news products.

There is a way to do these simplifications?
4 years ago
pls update with v2.0.0-beta3 https://www.sellacious.com/p/core/sellacious
4 years ago

Catalogue mode issue is fixed here: https://github.com/codeacioustech/sellacious/pull/2105, you will get it fixed in our next updated version i.e. Sellacious 2.0.0-beta2


but Page not found...
4 years ago

Catalogue mode issue is fixed here: https://github.com/codeacioustech/sellacious/pull/2105, you will get it fixed in our next updated version i.e. Sellacious 2.0.0-beta2

4 years ago
2. Catalogue mode issue is not fixed yet, you can hide add to cart/buy now buttons from global configuration-> frontend display options->button and elements.

I disabled these cart buttons and the "query form for price" at general>pricing option but the "Nikon D5200" product layout still show it.
4 years ago
I am also looking for a more simplified version of seller backend so they can list and view items. See screenshot attached, a page with a form to input data to sell a product. Is this possible? I understand sellacious is open source so it is possible.

See screenshot: Capture.jpg

Also for product listings to be available on a simple page without looking at seller backend.

See screenshot: Capture2.jpg

4 years ago
Hello Jonathan,

Dimension and shipping both are mandatory options for the physical type of products. You can select the product type Electronic, and you won't see both options.



You can hide the fields from the above files if you want.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
4 years ago
Hi Rashi, tks again and let me explain a little bit more.

To ask for many information is bad for a simple and basic sellers, even if leave it empty, and could discourage it. For these users a clean backend form is better to keep their attention and save time. So I want to simplify the backend by deactivating those fixed tabs .
4 years ago

1. You can found these options in settings->global configuration->backend display options. You can only hide those fields which are available in backend display options.
3. There are many fields in product edit which can not be hide but if you do not want to fill every time you can leave those fields as it is. Please explain more, if I am not getting your issue.

4 years ago

1. For hide product information, you can hide these info from global configuration->backend display option.
2. Catalogue mode issue is not fixed yet, you can hide add to cart/buy now buttons from global configuration-> frontend display options->button and elements.
3. Can you please explain it little bit more, so that I can understand better.


Tks Rashi,
1. I don't found at backend display option a way to disable these fields - I found many fields but all are disable as default. I tried hide it by code but I didn't found with file call it - could you indicate it?
2. excelente, I did it by plugins config but your suggestion is better;
3. I want to create a form (such as call for price) to input new product. But if I do the item 1, create a product from backend will be clear and simple - Actually there are too informations to fill.
4 years ago

1. For hide product information, you can hide these info from global configuration->backend display option.
2. Catalogue mode issue is not fixed yet, you can hide add to cart/buy now buttons from global configuration-> frontend display options->button and elements.
3. Can you please explain it little bit more, so that I can understand better.

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