  Wednesday, 22 July 2020
  3 Replies
  2K Visits
I have a problem with setting two prices on the list and the product view. I need to show 2 prices: the initial/original one and the discounted. I set it on the Pricing Tab (attachment) but it doesn't work. My software version is v2.0.0-beta2-dev. You can see it on: https://telestudent.pl/produkt/zarzadzanie-soba-w-czasie?s=918 and https://telestudent.pl/webinary.

4 years ago
Accepted Answer
I found a solution.
4 years ago
Hello Krzysztof,

Apply Rule on Price Display and List Price, the price will show with tax/discount included. They won't show separately.

You can use dynamic pricing to show multiple pricing on the details page.

If this is not what you mean, please explain.

Thank You & stay safe
4 years ago
Hello Vijaya Sharma,

Your consultant advised me to set the price details in the basic price section (see the attachment), but it doesn't work. I'd like to get the effect shown in the colourful attachment. Could you please instruct me how to do it?

Best regards

4 years ago
Accepted Answer
I found a solution.
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