  Sunday, 27 September 2020
  3 Replies
  3.5K Visits
When products have variations, managing inventory means managing the quantity of variations, and the quantity of the parent product should not be manageable (and the product should never be purchasable).

I see some problems on Sellacious about this:

1) In Inventory manager I still manage the stock of parent product and I can't manage the stock of variation

2) In Product management, in the Inventory tab I still manage the stock of parent product

3) I was unable to set up any configuration to allow a seller to change the stock of their variant offers without being able to change the basic characteristics of the variants (Product Title Suffix, Variant Alias, images, attributes, etc..), when more seller offers the same product managed by admin

This bug doesn't allow me to propose Sellacious to a new potential customer where multiple sellers offer the same shoes.
4 years ago
Hi, thanks for pointing that out i have noted this and will ad some variant indicator in inventory manager.
4 years ago
I tested on my site (v2.0.0-beta3) and in the list I don't understand which products have variants and which ones do not (a graphical indicator would be useful)

Thank you
4 years ago
Hi, you can edit stock of variants from inventory manager by selecting particular product and then going in manage variants.
Sellers also can do it for their variants without changing basic characteristics of the variants.

Hope this helps let us know if otherwise.
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