  Wednesday, 18 November 2020
  12 Replies
  3.7K Visits
My import file is working for all data but the PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION.
It does not work as plain text or html.

4 years ago
Here is the import test file if this helps.
4 years ago
Hello Rick,

Thank you for attaching the CSV. We are testing this on our local system. I will update you soon.

Stay Safe Emoticon Smile
4 years ago
Hello Rick,

We checked your CSV on our local and It's working. You can see the attached screenshots. If you can add more information, we'll be able to help you more.

Please share your site details as well at contact@sellacious.com

Thank You
4 years ago
Here is what I did. See attachment. It is a pdf
4 years ago
By purchasing vendor help I expected more help.
4 years ago
Hello Rick,

We apologize for the delay in the response. However, from this screenshot, it looks like you are not updating the seller.

You can follow this documentation, https://www.sellacious.com/documentation-v2#/learn/import/import-products.

Can you please share your site login details and CSV so I can try the import on your site? You can either DM me here or email me at contact@sellacious.com.

Thank You & Stay Safe
4 years ago
I changed the importer to use the seller_code which is the seller_ID.
I also removed the manufacturer requirement and nothing changed.
Is the beta version not fully tested?
How can I revert back to before beta?

Site details are included.
4 years ago
Hello Rick,

The Beta version is fully tested, and this version is working on so many sites with the importer. Can you take a backup of your site so I can update it to the latest version. Also, please share the CSV with all products. I want to empty the catalog and import all products.

Thank You
4 years ago
Site has been backed up. DB and Files.
4 years ago
Hello Rick,

We are unable to find your site link and login details. Can you please email them at the contact@sellacious.com

Thank You & Stay Safe
4 years ago
Info is in the site details tab
4 years ago
Hello Rick,

I am not able to access your site. I am getting a white blank screen. Can we have a zoom call about this issue? We are available from 10 AM to 6 PM IST.

Let me know when are you available for the call.

Thank You & Stay Safe
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