  Thursday, 13 July 2017
  5K Visits

I used a squared image (250x250) as cover image for the category I created.
As shown in figure attached the image is not centred. Is it possible to put it in the center?
Which is the suggested dimension for cover image?

Thank you
7 years ago
Sorry, I forgot to mark the post but now it is solved.

Have a nice day
Hi Marco,

Please let us know if you still facing the same issue or it has been resolved.
If it has been resolved, please mark this post as resolved.

Yes. Please check your direct messages for my email.
7 years ago
Hello Ankit,
I'm really sorry but I'm not able to find the text you wrote.
Is that a way to send you the file by email??
Hi Gino,

Try finding this class:
.catogry-childblocks .image-wrap span.product-img

Optionally, Do inspect elements to see where the code is.
7 years ago
here is a picture of the file, as you can see it is not there.

Unfortunately the website in not online yet. I will let you know when it will
Yes, It should be there. If your site is online, I can just FTP into it and fix it for you.
7 years ago
Hello Ankit.
I am not able to find the text you suggested to change.
Are you sure it is there?
Hi Marco,

Theme = Template.


Line Number 150.

Change the line
background-size: cover;
background-size: contain;
7 years ago
Hi Ankit.
What do you mean by theme?

I am using S-Quick template and I did not change anything.
Kindly can you explain how can I centre the image by css?
Hi Marco,

May i know which theme are you using? You can easily style this via CSS.
7 years ago
Here is the image which I used. It is perfectly centred with no blank space at sides
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