  Tuesday, 29 June 2021
  11 Replies
  2.2K Visits
I am trying to import 1 product from a CSV sample file using the downloaded sample and get the following error:


{"state":0,"message":"The most recent request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.","data":null}
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

I press the refresh page in the browser but the product is not uploded.
What do you recommend?
3 years ago
Hi, this seems a session timeout issue, please logout and fresh login ( in private tab ) and then check.

Let me know if you getting error agin.

3 years ago
I am still receiving the same error after logout and refresh login (in private tab). I also cleared cookies for domain and still receive error.

{"state":0,"message":"The most recent request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.","data":null}
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
3 years ago
is this issue on import view only or all sellacious backed view ?
3 years ago
The issue is with the Sellacious Import Utility and I receive the same error when I try to import product images.

Import Utility > Importer > Import Products > Sellacious Native Format > Upload CSV
Import Utility > Importer > Import Images & Attachments > Import from Source Folder

What do you recommend?
3 years ago
Kindly message me admin/pass with csv i will look into the system.

3 years ago
Hello, I am attaching the information here.
3 years ago
Correction: Attachment here
3 years ago
The attachment can't be downloaded. Please send me correct csv with admin/password (in private message) cos without that i won't be able to diagnose the issue.

3 years ago
I try again to provide you the information here.
Thank you
3 years ago
Were you able to login and diagnose the problem?
3 years ago
No, because Import csv and Admin username/password is not provided by you. Pls do as requested in order to check.
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