  Thursday, 20 July 2017
  7 Replies
  4.9K Visits
I would like to know how to allow a user to choose his username during the registration.
From backend I see there is the possibility to insert manually the username (see Img1).
How can I activate this possibility in client/seller registration form? I am not able to see the option

Thank you
6 years ago
Hello All,

Can I know which version of sellacious you're using? Please update it to latest sellacious version 1.6.0 from https://www.sellacious.com/download here. Don't forget to take a backup before updating.

After that install the attached patch.

I hope this helps.

Thank You
-Team Sellacious
6 years ago
Thank you.
If you will be able to code a plugin to do it, please let me know. It would be very useful to allow client chosing by his own username directly during registration process.

Hi Abhishek. Is the plugin ready?
It would cost somewhere around 150$.
7 years ago
How much ? Maybe in future I can consider it when I'll have finished the rest of website
Yes, Marco. We can do it for a cost.
7 years ago
Thank you.
If you will be able to code a plugin to do it, please let me know. It would be very useful to allow client chosing by his own username directly during registration process.
This is not possible with Sellacious as of now. We need to code a plugin to make it work. You just need to unblock the user to activate it.
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