  Monday, 18 September 2017
  15 Replies
  5.5K Visits
I have a major problem. I need my sellers to be able to set their own shipping price. Right now I can only set flat cost by the Shop, basically one price applies to all. Whenever I let sellers chose their own price, the system is not letting me pay for the item, even though the flat cost is showing in the checkout.

It must be a configuration thing. Please go to Settings > Global Configuration > Shipment and Select 'Shipped By' to 'Concerned Seller'. You will be further presented with other options. Choose them wisely.

Let me know if it helps.
7 years ago
Hello Ankit, this is what I had set for my configuration.

I need to check the configuration and settings for this. Make sure that you have created shipment methods
7 years ago
Is shipment methods and shipment rules the same thing? If not, then how do I create shipment methods? I do have shipment rules set up. Thanks
Hi Tim, It's same as the shipment rules. You can modify them here:

Hi Tim,

Please let us know if you still facing the same issue or it has been resolved.
If it has been resolved, please mark this post as resolved.

7 years ago
I have the same issue when a seller check the flat fee option. When client tries to buy the product the same message appears. Do I need to create shipping rule for flat fee? It's shown in the shipping options when you create product and you can add price for the shipping etc.
I'm not sure if this problem is not result of some permision settings or something.
I can apply shipping rules only to client categories not to sellers.
Thank you!
Seller can't edit shipping price in the Shipping menu of the product. Check the image.
The global configuration for the previous post is in the attached image.
Can the seller set their own shipping rules?
Seller can't see their own shipping rules although it's configured that the shipping is set by the Seller and not the multistore itself.
Is it possible to configure Sellacious to allow sellers to choose which shipping methods are allowed per each product?
5 years ago
Is it possible to configure Sellacious to allow sellers to choose which shipping methods are allowed per each product?

We have the same problem, do you have a solution jet?
I am escalating this request and will make it available in the next release.

Thanks for followup of the request.

Vijaya kindly mark it as important feature and release blocker.
5 years ago
Hello Abhishek,
can you say when the update will be availible?

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