  Wednesday, 04 October 2017
  5K Visits
I want to delete all the Sample data in Sellacious back end - i,e Products Categories, Seller, Orders and I would like to remove SP Page Builder and Install SP Page Builder Pro

Please suggest. I gone through the documentation, unfortunately not found and solutions.

Thank you
6 years ago
Hi Ashpaq

I followed your instructions, there is no option to delete Orders, hope you have login credentials, please delete all orders from the DB

Thank you
Hi Parashuram,

As of now for the quick solution, you can do one thing select all product and delete them and delete them from trash also. Same goes for Categories and Additional attribute->Product attributes. As we are already added this feature in sellacious to clean sample data and will release it our next version.

For SP Pagebuilder you don't need to uninstall, just install it through installer it will update itself.
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