  Thursday, 27 October 2016
  3 Replies
  2.5K Visits
re: joomla 3.6.3, php 5.6.23

installation went great.

i have added categories. when i try to add product, there are no categories listed. the look up is not working.

no category mean i cannot save any products.

please advise.

7 years ago
I updated (via Joommla) to the new 1.4.1 and no go. the catagory is still not showing lookup values when i try to add a product. further, the "type" field is now required and also not showing any lookup values.

please advise.
Hi Jason,

If it is still not working fine for you, we can have a skype session so that you can show us and we can fix it on call.

7 years ago
sry i didn't reply sooner. i had to move on and install another shopping cart.

i will review your system again at another time.
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