  Wednesday, 26 April 2017
  7.2K Visits
Hello, I installed Sellacious on https://www.infogenova.info, the installation is correct but when I try to log into the administrator area I redirect to an error page. How can I solve this problem? I have already tried to uninstall and install
Thank you and good day
The QuickStart Package is Joomla Package with installed Sellacious. It comes with sample products, images, orders and configuration which you can refer while creating your website.
Hi Maurizio Traverso,

Just wanted to know are you still facing the issue or is that resolved? And if not let us know your server credentials in the direct message, we will fix this for you.

Hi Maurizio Traverso,

Try this Quickstart Package this has Joomla + Sellacious with sample data, and if the issue persists let us know.

And check the file permission on your server too.
Hi Maurizio Traverso,

Please let us know if you still facing the same issue or it has been resolved.
If it has been resolved, please mark this post as resolved.

Sorry, I changed the folder name. Resolved
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