Convenient product delivery along with a great shopping experience is a responsibility, sellacious helps you to fulfill the same with its variant features enabling you to manage your shipments one step ahead.

Shipping rules
Levy shipping fee to your buyers according to how you prefer it to be, Charge a flat shipping fee on products or apply a wide range of rules to direct and decide the charges to be applied according to the location, product, categories or other decision factors.
Seller or storewide shipping
In a multi-vendor scenario, You can let sellers enjoy the benefit of deciding their rules of shipping to be undertaken for their buyers, Sellers can choose their own shipping fee or create shipping rules. While, you having the advantage of flexibility.

Shipment Origin
For precise calculation of shipping fees and taxes, It is important to know the origin of shipment. Sellacious lets you set the origin.
Location based shipping
Sellacious puts forward the concept of location based shipping, You can allow some kinds of shipping only to specific geo locations, We make sure location does not come a hurdle to you and you can target country, state, city or even a zip code.
Allowed locations
Limit allowed shipping and billing to a specific geolocation.
Itemised shipping
Charge shipping fees on a particular product or the whole cart.
Tax/Discount on shipping
Apply tax or discount on shipping or apply without it. E.g., Free shipping discount or Product value+tax+shipping.
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