Written by: Rashi Gupta
Date: 03-08-2020
Compatibility: Sellacious v2.0.0-Beta1+
There are three ways to set the Seller Commission:
1. From Global: From global configuration, you can also save commission. How much commission does a seller pays to shop owner on each product sale made.
Note: this commission is applied on per item basis.
2. From Category (Seller/Product): We have seller commission field to manage seller commission from the category i.e. by seller/product category. To add the seller commission, you can add either from seller category or from product category.
Seller category and product category commissions are vice versa. Whatever commission is decided in any category like product or seller, it will ref-elect in other category.
3. From Seller Profile: Also, seller commission will also define from the seller profile too. Whatever commission is define in seller profile, it will be on first priority than seller/product category.
Note: If commission is define in seller profile, category and global too. Seller profile will be on first priority. If commission is define only in category and global, category will be priority.