
  • Shipping rule are the rules applied to the products while shipping.
  • The shipping rules allows you to create sets of rules and conditions that control how your orders are shipped.
  • You can set the shipping rule from the global configuration section. Go to the setting -- Global configuration -- Shipment.
  • In global configuration you can set, who can ship your product to the customers at Flat shipment fee, Flat shipping cost etc.
To create a New shipping Rule, Follow Steps:
  1. Go to the sellacious admin panel.
  2. For adding shipping rule to your product, Go to Shop.
  3. Select Shipping rule from the dropped down menu.
  4. Click on new button.


  1. Fill the Credentials.
  2. In Shipping Rule section- Rule Name, Status, Shipment Quotation Method/API text fields are mandatory.
  • Apply Rule: User can select whether the shipping method should apply on all products or only on selected Products. User can select products under filters section.

  • Shipment quotation method/API :user can choose shipping carrier/processing type to use when shipping method is applied to an item.

  • First unit shipping cost: Enter the amount to be charged as shipping cost for the first item.

  • Charge per additional unit: How much amount to charge as shipping cost for each additional number of units ordered.****
    If you enter ZERO here, then for multiple units ordered only first unit will be charged shipping cost and remaining shall be of free shipping.

  • Display text on zero shipping: Enter text to show in cart summary ,if computed shipping from the rule is zero.

  • Shipping method name on zero shipping: Text to show instead of shipping method name when calculated shipping is zero for this method.****

  • In invoice and emails, under shipping rule it will show text entered under shipping method name on zero shipping when calculated shipping is zero


    Email template

  • Display notes: Enter the additional notes to show in cart summary.

  • Shipping Description: Added new field in shipping rule for description and displayed it in the frontend in shipping step of checkout

Frontend View:

  • Seller Wise


  • Cart Wise


  • Product Wise


  1. Click on save button to save the Shipping rule details.


  1. And the new shipping rule is added.