
Shipped By: Choose who will ship the products to customer. You can use two options from here 1. Shop and 2. Concerned seller. The products are to be shipped by the shop or the concerned seller. Concerned seller is the seller who is selling the products and has own shipping rule

When you choose shipped by Shop:

  • Flat shipment fee: Choose whether this product has a flat fee for shipment or cost is decided using the available shipping rules. If you want to charge flat shipping then click on the yes, charge a flat shipping cost and if you don’t want to use defined shipping rules then click on the No, Use defined shipping rules.

When you select Yes, Charge a flat shipping cost.

  • Flat fee amount: The amount which is considered as the flat fee while shipment. It can be represented as in the currency value. You can add the amount here. This option will occured only when the flat shipment fee is considered as the charge a flat shipping cost.

Tax/Discount in shipping: Include taxes and discount while shipping for entire cart. If you want to add the tax/discount then click on the ‘yes’ button and if you don’t want to add the tax/discount then click on the ‘No’ Button.

Shipping selection in Checkout: You can Choose selection type for shipping:

  • Product Wise: Shipping method selection will be available for each item in the cart separately.
  • Cart Wise: Shipping method selection will be available just once for the entire cart.
  • Seller Wise: Shipping method selection will be available for each seller in cart separately.

When choose shipping selection as Cart Wise:

Shipping cost calculation: Choose how do you want to calculate the shipping cost. It consists of entire cart as one, group items by seller, Individual items.

  • Entire cart as one: You can calculate the shipping cost in entire cart as one. That means you can apply the shipping cost to all the products which is presented in the cart.
  • Group items by seller: If the seller is one and number of items are to be in group wise then
  • Individual items: How much shipping cost for shipping an individual item.

When choose shipping selection as Seller Wise:
Select shipping in Product : Choose whether to allow selecting Shipping rules in Product.

Shipping Rule Slabs By Import: Choose whether you want to import shipping rule slabs using CSV import. If disabled, you will be able to set them manually in the grid provided and country, state, zip filtering will not be available.

Credit Shipping Amount to: You can choose to whom the shiiping amount should be credit for all the orders i.e. 1. Rule Owner, 2. Shop, 3. Seller.

Shipment allowed to:
Choose specific locations which are allowed as billing address. leave all four boxes below blank to allow all locations.A larger geographical location selected covers its sub-regions automatically.

Ship to countries: The billing address is according to the countries.

Ship to states: The billing address is according to states.

Ship to districts: The billing address is according to districts.

Ship to ZIP codes: The billing address is according to the ZIP codes.

Billing allowed to:
Choose specific locations which are allowed as billing address. leave all four boxes below blank to allow all locations.A larger geographical location selected covers its sub-regions automatically.

Bill to countries: The billing address is according to the countries.

Bll to states: The billing address is according to states.

Bill to districts: The billing address is according to districts.

Bill to ZIP codes: The billing address is according to the ZIP codes.