Shipping rule: The rule will be applied while shipping the product.You can set the shipping rule in the global configuration section. Go to the setting -- Global configuration -- Shipment. In global configuration you can set who can ship the product to customers, Flat shipment fee, Flat shipping cost etc.
Rule name: Enter a title for this shipping rule. The name of the rule.You can make the name of the rule according to your choice.
Status: choose whether the rule is enabled or not.If it is set to disabled, no Shipping rule will be affected by this rule. If we set enabled, this shipping rule can be applied on any product while shipping.
Shipment QuotationMethod/API: Choose the shipping carrier/processor type to use when this shipping rule is applied to an item. These is a method which is used for shipping the product. It consists of basic rule, By quantity, By weight and the purchase value.You can add plugins of the various payment methods.
Basic Rule: Basic rule which is to be added as first shipping unit and as per the charge per additional unit. If we add the first unit shipment as 10 and the additional charge will be applied after a particular value.
First Unit shipping cost: Enter the amount to be charger as shipping cost for first unit of the item.
Charge per additional cost: How much amount to charge as shipping cost for each additional number of units ordered. If you enter zero here then for multiple units ordered only first unit will be charged shipping cost and remaining shall be of free shipping.
form fields: Choose form fields which should be presented to the user when selecting this shipment method. You can make the shipping form fields from the attribute section of the sellacious software.You can change according to your need. If you want to add the fields you want to create in your shop.
By weight: The shipping rule that is based on by quantity.
Weight Unit: Select the measurement units for the weights entered in the weight slabs below.Enter zero for no limit in minimum or maximum range value. The drop down menu will be appeared regarding the
Packaging weight: Weight of packaging which is to be added to total weight of product.
Form fields: Choose form fields which should be presented to the user when selecting this shipment method.
Weight slabs: Enter the slabs in terms of weight and enter the respective shipping rates. Enter zero for no limit in minimum or maximum range value.
By Quantity: The shipping rule that is based on by quantity.
Form fields: Choose form fields which should be presented to the user when selecting this shipment method.
Quantity Slabs: Enter the slabs in terms of quantity and enter the respective shipping rules. The quantity slabs can be used as if we add the minimum and the maximum quantity as per unit.We can add amount for the particular quantity slabs.
Min: The minimum amount to be fixed and can be calculated per unit.
Max: The maximum amount to be fixed and can be calculated per unit.
Amount: The amount you can be added for the particular quantity slabs.It is depends upon the minimum and maximum quantity slabs.
Per Unit?: You can add the amount by per unit. If you click on the button you can see the yes or no. Yes with tick icon represents you can add the quantity according to per unit and No with cross icon represents you cannot add the quantity as per unit.
Plus icon: You can add the plus icon to add the quantity slabs.You can make the lists according to the quantity you want to add the amounts over the particular product.
By purchase value: The shipping rule that is based on by purchase value.
Form fields: Choose form fields which should be presented to the user when selecting this shipment method. You can make the shipping form fields from the attribute section of the sellacious software.You can change according to your need. If you want to add the fields you want to create in your shop.
Purchase value slabs: Enter the slabs in terms of purchase value(in Shop Currency) and Enter the respective shipping rates.
Min: The minimum amount to be fixed and can be calculated per unit.
Max: The maximum amount to be fixed and can be calculated per unit.
Amount: The amount you can be added for the particular purchase slabs.It is depends upon the minimum and maximum purchase slabs.
Per Unit?: You can add the amount by per unit. If you click on the button you can see the yes or no. Yes with tick icon represents you can add the quantity according to per unit and No with cross icon represents you cannot add the quantity as per unit.
Plus icon: You can add the plus icon to add the quantity slabs.You can make the lists according to the quantity you want to add the amounts over the particular product.
Filters: This section will help you to filter according to the shipping rule you had applied on the product.
client categories: select specific client categories for which this rule to apply. Leave empty to apply for all client categories.
address to match: you can add the address as billing address, shipping address, any address and both address you want to apply the shipping rule. You can apply the shipping rule with the matching address.
country: select the country for shipping rule is to be applied. You can search according to the characters.
state: Select the state for shipping rule is to be applied.You can search according to the characters you entered on the search bar.
District: select the district for applying the shipping rule.You can search according to the district. If you want to use this feature then you have to purchase the geolocations from the sellacious website.
ZIP code: select the ZIP code for the shipping rule.You can search according to the Zip code. If you want to use this feature then you have to purchase the geolocation from the sellacious website.
Product categories: select specific product categories for which this rule to apply. Leave empty to apply for all products. You can specify the particular product categories you want to apply this rule.When you click on the text box of product categories the categories will be listed as the hierarchical order.
Products: Select specific products for this rule to apply. Leave empty to apply for all products.You can specify the product you want to apply this rule.When you click on the text box there will be a search bar will be appear. You can search the products and add that product for applying the shipping rule.
manufacturers: select the manufacturers for whose products this rule shall apply. Leave empty to apply for all manufacturers. You can search the manufacturer from the search bar and you can apply the shipping rule.
sellers: select the sellers for whose products this rule shall apply. Leave empty to apply for all sellers.You can apply the shipping rule for the seller's you want to apply.
minimum quantity: Enter the minimum quantity for the shipping rule to apply. Zero means no rules had applied. You can scroll the value with the scroll bar.
maximum quantity:Enter the maximum quantity for the shipping rule to apply. Zero means no rules had applied. You can scroll the value with the scroll bar.
maximum weight: The minimum weight of a product can be applied for the shipping rule.You can add the value with the measurement Units according to your choice.
minimum weight: The minimum weight of a product can be applied for the shipping rule.You can add the value with the measurement Units according to your choice.
maximum volume:The maximum volume of the product to apply the shipping rule.You can add the value with the measurement Units according to your choice.
minimum volume: The minimum volume of the product to apply the shipping rule.You can add the value with the measurement Units according to your choice