
User can mention manufacturer details in Manufacturer column.

By Default sellacious provide Manufacturer column, but user have to enable it.

To enable Manufacturer column:

  1. Go to the Sellacious panel of your website.
  2. From left menu bar, go to the Settings->>Global Configuration from the drop down Menu.
  3. Go to Backend display options.
  4. Enable the option manufacturer for desired product type.

option manufacturer

  1. Save the changes you made.

Now Manufacturer will be available for the selected product type.

You can add manufacturer in product by the following steps:

  1. Go to the Sellacious panel of your website.

  2. To add Manufacturer to your product, go to Shop->>Product Catalogue from the drop-down menu. product_catalogue

  3. Click on the new button, Then on the basic information tab go to the manufacturer menu.

manufacturer menu

  1. Select the manufacturer, If the manufacturer is not listed then create a manufacturer with the help of this link.

  2. Save the details by using the save button.

You can add Manufacturer details through import method and the steps are:

  1. Go to the sellacious panel of your website.
  2. To import, first navigate to Import Utility on the left side of panel. Then click on importer option from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the Sellacious native format, select download with all specifications column and open the downloaded file.
  4. You can create a new product there and add manufacturer by filling credentials in Manufacturer column.
  6. Fill needed columns.
  7. If you want to add Manufacturer details for the created product then write Product_Title there and add Manufacturer details.
  8. Download the file in .csv format.
  9. Again go to the Import Utility->>importer from left side menu.
  10. In the Sellacious native format, select upload csv and upload the downloaded csv file.screenshot-localhost-2020.05.25-10_36_11
  11. Select options which you want to import in Import configuration.
  12. Click refresh Cache from left sidebar.
  13. And your changes will be updated.

You can mention Manufacturer name in Manufacturer option. But if you want to make a different column for Brand, create a new column Brand From Additional Attribute.