Pricing represents the price of the particular product.You can choose the way you want to display the pricing of a product from the frontend.
In this tab we select the pricing type for the product. In sellacious you got four type of pricing. Which are defined below. Select whether the shopper should be shown a “ask for price” button instead of a price for this product.The price of the products are to be displayed as show defined price, show call us for price, show email us for price and open query form.
This can be control from global configuration if you want to show pricing or not in frontend. this setting is for particular pages like product list page, detail page, quick view and category page.
The price will be defined on the product. You can define the price on the product and it is shown in the front end. In frontend the price of the product is to be shown. Defined price is of three type and can be controlled from global configuration. you can select which type of defined price you want.
flat price: This is flat price of product. No profit margin or any other price will override this pricing type.
Basic pricing: In this pricing type you can set cost price and also profit margin. Which will calculate and be final price for users. List price is also the part of basic pricing. List price is also known as crossed out price or marked up price. Crossed out price can more or less than calculated price. However you can select if you want this price in frontend or not from global configuration.
But if flat price is also set with these prices then flat price will override the calculated or list price. And will be visible in frontend for users.
Advance pricing: This pricing type is USP of sellacious. With this pricing type you can set pricing for particular user group. and also for definite time. it can also be described as offer price which will be applied and visible to only few customers group which you can select. This pricing consist basic pricing type for each setting you want to set. You can set qty. limit in this pricing type and that price will only apply to that limit.
If any of the override conditions defined below will match then the respective prices will be used. If no override price matches or if none is defined then this feedback/default price will be used for this product.
cost price: The price at which goods are or have been bought by a merchant or retailer. Cost Price is the total amount of money that it costs a manufacturer to produce a given product or provide a given service. A cost price may include all the required for production, including property costs, materials,power, research and development, testing etc.
profit margin: The profit which we get by selling a product with the particular price. The profit margin can be represented by USD and percentage.Profit margin refers to the percentage of revenue remaining after all costs, interest, taxes and other expenses have been deducted.
List price: The price of a product as shown in a list issued by the manufacturer. It refers to the MRP cost. MRP is the maximum Retail Price in which the manufacturer calculated price that is the highest price that can be charged for a product to be sold.
calculated price: The calculated price is calculated by the sum of the cost price and the profit price. Cost Price is the total amount of money that it costs a manufacturer to produce a given product or provide a given service. list price is the price of a product as shown in a list issued by the manufacturer.
Fixed price: The price which is fixed by the seller while selling the product. Fixed price is a non-negotiable sum charged for a product,service or piece of work.The price will not change by any kind of situations.
Variants Price modifiers: Enter the amount of percentage by which the product price should be changed with respect to the main product. To add more variants( if you have access to that) go to the VARIANTS tab). No variants are defined for this product. When you add a variant they will be shown here for you to manage their pricing.
The price is displayed as the call us feature. You can add the call us for price feature in the frontend. You can specify the price in the link you mentioned the call us feature.
When the price display is show call us for price then phone number menu will be shown to add the phone number.
Phone number: You can add the phone number by clicking on the “show call us” Click on the edit button to edit the user profile information. User profile dialog box will be appeared to add the information in user profile.
The price is displayed as the email us feature.You can add the email us feature in the frontend. You can specify the email id in the link you mentioned the email us feature.
When the price display is show email us for price then email address menu will be shown to add the email address.
Email Address: You can add the email address by clicking on the “show email us”.Click on the edit button to edit the user profile information. User profile dialog box will be appeared to add the information in user profile.
The price display in which the prices are to be shown as the query form feature. It is attached with the form regarding the product queries.
Query form fields: Select the fields for the query form mentioned above.You can add the fields of the query form according to your choice.
You can create the pricing for the product.