Payment Attributes

method name: The name of the payment method.

Description: It represents the short description of the particular payment method.

plugin: The plugin you want to use in this payment method. The payment method can be listed by the drop down menu. You can select the plugin from the listed provided.

success status: The current status of the payment method is to be approval pending or payment approved. If you want to create the payment method as approval pending or payment approved you can select from here.

percent fee: the percent fee you have to apply on the payment method. You can add the percent fee with the percentage form in your products.

flat fee: The flat fee you applied on the payment method. You can add the Flat fee with default currency present in your shop.

applicable in: choose where the payment is applicable whether it is applied on shopping cart or payment approved. Tick on the applicable option of shopping cart and add fund to E-wallet.

logo: Upload the logo of the payment method. You can upload the logo upto maximum size 1GB. You need to save the item first to be able to add files or images.

allow in guest checkout: Choose whether this payment method is available for guest checkout or not. If you want to allow the guest checkout then click on ‘yes’ Button.If you don’t want to allow the guest checkout click on the ‘No’ Button.

status: the current status of the payment method is enabled or disabled. If you want to publish the payment method then click on the enable button. If you want to unpublish the payment method the click on the disabled button.

save user date: Whether to save the users submitted data. The user submitted data may contain sensitive information such as credit card number and CVV/CVV2.
Credit system:
You can use this credit system only for the premium users.

check credit limit: choose whether this payment method affects the allocated credit limit to a customer. Usually a prepay type payment method does not account as a credit card hence should not consent about the credit limit.

credit period: Number of days for which the credit can be allowed when using this payment method.
allow all customers:choose whether you want to allow the customers without having any already defined credit limit to use this payment method.

default credit limit:Enter the credit to assume for the customers with no defined limit in their profile.

address to match: You can the address of your region according to the billing address and shipping address.

country:select the country you belongs. You can select the country by entering 2 or more characters, all the countries are to be listed here.

state: select the state you belongs.You can select the state by entering 2 or more characters, all the states are to be listed here.

district: select the district you belongs.You can select the district by entering 2 or more characters, all the district are to be listed here. You have to buy the geolocation to use this feature.

zip code:select the zip code of your region.You can select the ZIP code by entering 2 or more characters, all the ZIP code are to be listed here. You have to buy the geolocation to use this feature.