Import Order

Written by : Rashi Gupta
Date : 11-08-2021
Compatibility : Sellacious v2.0.0-rc5

Import order is not supported yet this documentation is for import order template

To import the orders, first you need to create the order template:

  1. First create the order template.
  2. From the import utility menu in backend, go to the templates
  3. Click on new button to create new order import template


  1. In type option, select the Order importer and enter the template title
  2. Allowed user categories : Select the categories of users to allow the access to selected users. Leave blank to allow none.
  3. Upload Sample CSV : You can upload a Sample CSV file to guide the users about the format for the import CSV.
  4. Upload Documentation : You can upload a documentation for the users including information about the import feature, terms and condition as well as the import instructions.
  5. Help Link : Enter a link to the page for the documentation about the import feature, terms and condition as well as the import instructions.
  6. Send Email to : Enter the email addresses and names who should receive the notification after import/export using this template.
  7. Save the template.