Variants represents the same product with different features.
- If product comes in more than one option, such as size or color. Each combination of options for a product is a variant for that product.
- You can set the variants from product catalogue in sellacious panel.
- After creating a new product, you can add variants.
To Create variants in a new product:
- Go to the sellacious admin panel.
- Go to Shop->>Product Catalogue from drop-down menu.
- Create new product, fill the details.
- Save it.
- Reopen the created product, variant field will be added.
- Select the variant field.
- Click on the add variant button to add the variants for your product.
- Click on the save button, Variants of new product will be created.
Add variants to the available product:
- Go to the sellacious admin panel.
- Go to Shop->>Product Catalogue from drop-down menu.
- Select the product of which you want to create variants.
- After opening that product, click on Variants tab.
- Click on the add variant button to add the variants for your product.
- Click on save button, Variants of that product will be created.