Sellacious Importer


Now Sellers also be able to import their products in sellacious marketplace, to enable this permissions component is added. These are the permissions in this respect-

View All Import History Allow user to view all import history created by him and others.
View own Import History Allow user to view his own import history, created only by him.
Allow Import Allow user to Import Products/Categories/Images/Attachments.
Delete any Import History This permission will allow user to delete any import history for any user.
Delete own Import History This permission will allow user to delete his own import history, which he has created.
View all Import Templates Allow user to view all import templates created by him and others.
View own Import Templates Allow user to view his own import templates, created only by him.
Create Import Template This will allow users in to create own Import Templates.
Edit anyone's Import Templates Allow user to edit any import templates, even templates created by others.
Duplicate Import Template This will allow users to duplicate an import template.
Edit Own Import Templates Allow user to edit only import templates created by him.
Publish/Unpublish Import Templates Allow user to Publish or Unpublish Import Templates.
Delete any Import Template This permission will allow user to delete any import template for any user.
Delete own Import Template This permission will allow user to delete his own import template, which he has created.
