Frontend Transactions

Written by: Indresh Maurya
Date: 27-05-2020
Compatibility: Sellacious v2.0.0-Beta1+

Frontend transaction view(menu can be created) is added to sellacius which provides frontend capability to view transactions, recharge User eWallet, place withdrawals.

  1. To create Frontend transaction menu go to Joomla Backend->Menus->New and choose Sellacious->User Transaction in menu type.


  1. User need to have permission to see transaction, to grant permission go to Settings->Permissions select User Category-> Everyone and Component->sellacious. Under Transactions, Add Fund, Withdrawal section Allow relevant permissions.

relevant permissions

  1. Now frontend transaction view is available for the user

frontend transaction

  1. Amount can be added in user eWallet using available payment methods and withdraws can be placed


after user places withdrawal admin needs to Sellacious Backend->Transactions approve/decline in order to reflect it in user's eWallet.